Call Analytics Updates

Call Analytics Updates

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May 2024

License Management

  • A new License Allocation screen will appear when the Super Admin first logs in.

  • An Allocate License button has been added to the User Management section to allow users to enable/disable licenses in bulk.

  • A toggle to enable/disable licenses has been added to each of the user/call queue tiles in user management.


  • Once selected filters for User, User Groups, Incoming Numbers, and Call Outcome, have been applied, they will appear at the top of the filter list.

  • Checkboxes have been added to the Call Outcomes filter to allow the option to Check All, or to select individual outcomes.

  • An info icon with the message ‘Totals may not align when filters are applied’ will be displayed when the filters selected result in a mismatch in the totals count.


  • Call Queues have been added to Real Time KPIs. They show the number of users currently in queue or waiting to be connected to an agent.

  • The ‘Enter’ key can now be used to select email addresses when sharing or scheduling a dashboard.

Caption Changes

  • Virtual Users has been changed to Call Queues in User Management.

  • Live Status has been changed to Real Time in Wallboards.

  • Add/Edit button has been changed to Edit on the Incoming Number page.


  • A welcome screen has been added for all users on first login.

  • Email notifications will be sent at different stages of the free trial, and after user logins have been enabled, offering assistance as needed.