Collaboration Analytics Updates

Collaboration Analytics Updates

Our extensive online knowledge base is available via the help icon from within the application. 
To update Analytics 365, please sign out of Microsoft Teams. Analytics 365 will update on sign in.

August 2023

AppStore changes
Microsoft Administrator’s can choose which permissions to grant Analytics 365. Permissions needed by Analytics 365:
  1. Organization. Check box to enable Analytics 365 to access basic user profiles in Microsoft 365. Future changes or movements within your organization will be synchronised with Analytics 365.
  2. Calls. Check box to permit Analytics 365 to provide analytics on call events made by licensed Analytics 365 users.
  3. Messages. Check box to permit Analytics 365 to provide analytics on messages sent by licensed Analytics 365 users. Please note: Analytics 365 does not store or report on actual message content.
  4. Meetings: Check box to permit Analytics 365 to provide analytics on meetings associated with licensed Analytics 365 users.
Once selected, administrators will be redirected to Microsoft’s admin page to review and grant selected permissions. 

Analytics 365 app changes
App Permissions:
  1. Permissions granted by the organization’s Microsoft Administrator can now be viewed in the Accounts page within the app.
  2. Permissions that were not previously granted by the organization’s Microsoft Administrator can be granted by using the Edit Permissions button from the Accounts page. Permissions already granted cannot be removed. 
Auto-Scroll to new cards:
  1. When cards are edited, or new cards are added (in bulk or individually), the dashboard will automatically scroll to the newly added/edited cards.
Adding cards to existing Dashboards using Quick Add:
  1. When selecting cards using Quick Add, any cards already in use will be highlighted. All selected cards will be saved. 
  1. Some card descriptions have been improved.
  2. The titles of some fields have been changed, and some fields have been added or removed.
  3. Reactions Card: Five emojis (like, heart, laugh, surprised and more reactions) are used to align with the primary reaction options provided by Microsoft Teams.
Demo Access:
When opening Analytics 365, users without reporting access will be given the option to explore the app in demo mode. The Insights Dashboard has been removed.

March 2023

Analytics 365 app changes
  1. All cards can now be filtered by the quarter, either by: this quarter or last quarter.
  2. Internal and external chats can be filtered in the following message cards:
    1. Message Comparison
    2. Message Trends
    3. Message Sentiment by People
    4. Message Sentiment %
    5. Reactions
  3. Internal and external calls can now be filtered in the following network quality cards:
    1. Network Quality by People
    2. Network Quality Trends
    3. Network Quality %
  4. Internal and external meetings can now be filtered in the following meeting cards:
    1. Scheduled Meeting Habits
    2. Scheduled Meetings Attendance
    3. Scheduled Meeting Overview
  5. Meeting participants and organizers can now be filtered in the following meeting cards:
    1. Scheduled Meeting Habits
    2. Scheduled Meeting Attendance
  6. Platform by People card is no longer available.
  7. Notification emails will be sent when the following access permissions have been assigned:
    1. Reporting access
    2. Super Admin access 
  8. When a customer is provisioned, Super Admin access will be granted by default to: the person who signed up, the Microsoft Administrator, and the person nominated to be cc’d during sign up. 

February 2023

New Features
  1. Save (Card) As feature enables the names and filters of existing cards to be changed and saved as new cards. This is useful to compare cards over multiple time periods. 
  2. Download cards as a pdf. All cards (except Collaboration Summary, Message Comparison and Collaboration Network) can now be downloaded as a pdf.
  3. New features pop up notification has been introduced directing users to the What's New page in the knowledgebase.
  4. Edit subscription button has been added to the Account page in Settings taking users directly to the Analytics 365 Store where they can manage their subscription.
  5. Demo mode can be used to explore the app using sample data. Demo mode is available to all users and can be enabled from the My Dashboards View.