AI Powered Recording FAQs

AI Powered Recording FAQs

Our extensive online knowledge base is available via the help icon from within the application.

Logging In

Why can't I log in?

If you are unable to log in using your username and password:
Your password may have expired. The default policy setting is for a password to be changed every 100 days. The new password cannot be the same as the last 10 passwords used.
To reset your password, click on Forgot Password. You will be sent an email with a link to change your password.
An acceptable password must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Password length should be at least 8 characters
  • Password must contain at least
    • 1 uppercase letter
    • 1 lowercase letter
    • 1 digit
    • 1 special character. Acceptable special characters are ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * +

If you are unable to login using your Microsoft account, log a support ticket.

How do I enable user logins to access the portal?

Go to the user profile page of each user and enable the login toggle. Once enabled, login credentials are emailed.

Set Up 

How long does it take for recordings to appear in the portal?

Recordings will appear within a few minutes (at most) of the call ending .

User Licenses

How do I assign licenses to users, or change the licenses already assigned?

Administrators can manage licenses from the user profile page. When assigning licenses to users, it is important to remember that a user’s license determines the features that others can apply to their recordings. 

Playback Permissions

Why can’t I see the recordings of another user even though I am an administrator?

To be recorded, users need to be assigned a license. Super administrators have full access to all users, recordings and portal settings. 

Administrator access to recordings is determined by their playback network. To check your playback network, view your profile. As an administrator, you can add your direct and indirect reports to your playback network. To add people or groups outside of your direct and indirect reports, contact a super administrator. 

How can a user’s playback network be extended to access the recordings of other users?

By default, a user’s playback network is set to Myself, giving users permission to access their own recordings. A user’s playback network can be extended via People or User Group from the permissions page of the user’s profile by their administrator. 

Pause, Resume & Discard Recordings

How can I manually pause, resume or discard recordings in progress?

Analytics 365 licensed recorded users can use the recording controller app to pause, resume and discard recordings. The Recording Controller can be downloaded from the built for your organization section of Microsoft Teams Apps.

Download & Share

Time limited links to recordings can be shared via the built-in mail function. The recording remains securely stored within the portal.

Can recordings be downloaded in bulk?

Bulk download of recordings is currently not available. Users can download individual recordings from the portal.


How does the sentiment analysis work? Who decides which words are positive, negative and neutral?

Sentiment is determined by referencing words from the transcription against a pre-determined set of words associated with each sentiment.

Recording Policy

What is the default recording policy?

The default recording policy is to record all meetings/calls of recorded users. A user’s recording policy can be edited from the user profile page.

Can recordings be deleted?

Recordings can be deleted from within the platform. Recordings can be found using inbuilt filters, such as date, time and CLI/Caller ID.

Is there a choice as to which calls are recorded?

Recording policy can be set by call direction (dialed and received) and call type (internal and external).

Can I set up a recording policy to manage what calls will be recorded?

A recording policy can be set for individual users by their administrator.

Can I prevent internal meetings from being recorded?

No. A recording policy can only be created for users. From the user profile page, a recording policy can be set by call direction (dialed and received) and/or call type (internal and external).

Why don’t I have the option to create a recording policy from within the user profile page?

The portal is synched every 4 hours. Once new users are synced, the option to create a recording policy from within the user profile page will be available.

How does the recording policy work when users with different policies are in the same call/meeting?

The recording policy is set for individual users. If the recording policy of one user is set to record internal calls, the call will be recorded from the point that the user joined the call, even if the recording policy of other users in the call is set not to record internal calls. However, the recording will only appear in the dashboard against the user whose policy was set to record internal calls. Other users will be labelled as participants of the call.

Why is the recording notification still appearing on internal calls, when the recording policy for this user excludes the recording of internal calls?

If the recording policy of one user is set not to record internal calls, the call will be recorded if the recording policy of other users in the call is set to record internal calls. However, the recording will only appear in the dashboard against the user whose policy was set to record internal calls. Other users will be labelled as participants of the call.


How long are recordings retained?

Recording licenses come with a set storage period. Licenses with different storage periods can be purchased and assigned to users.

Can I change the recording storage time?

Licenses come with a set storage period. Licenses with different storage periods can be purchased and assigned to users.

Account Details 

How can I check the license details for my organization?

The number of licenses purchased can be viewed from the Licenses page of System Settings.

Can I check the Tenant ID for my account?

The Tenant ID can be viewed from the customer Platform Details page. Users with permission to manage System Settings can access this page from System Settings > Account.

Demo Request 

Can I request a demo of Analytics 365 Recording with AI Analytics?

Click on the link to request a demo of any of our Analytics 365 products.

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